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You Can Play Jazz Piano

Code: WP167

You Can Play Jazz Piano is rated 4.42 out of 5 based on 13 ratings.

Video one - Getting Started: Learn chord progressions, scales, and modes, proper fingering and improvising on both blues and standard tunes. Clear and Concise with no music to read. 90 min. video. Beginner level. Video two - Basic Keyboard Harmony: Warren covers essentials such as basic chords, voicings, progressions, substutions, intervalsm bass lines and melodic accompaniment. Lessons include study of progressions found throughout pop and jazz music 90 min. video. Includes music. Early intermediate level. Video three - Soloing and performing: Hot topics include scales for soloing and improvisation, preparing a song for performance and playing with other musicians. 90 min. Video. Includes music. Intermediate level.

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